Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Michelle in Vogue (pun intended)

I can not wait for the March issue of Vogue to hit my local Barnes so I can pick up the Michelle Obama cover and following article. I read's edited version of Andre Leon Talley's article and loved the way he weaved his own experience on the campaign trail with his family, and America's, history with Michelle's interview. He's a wonderful storyteller and you should all run out and get your own copy!

I just love this picture from the upcoming issue. Michelle looks so strong and elegant. I'm enamored with her ability to mix Alaia with J.Crew and her confidence to eschew tradition (read: staid, elaborately boring concoctions) for a young Taiwanese-American's frothy, one shouldered gown for the Inaugural Balls.

She's basically my adult sartorial dream.



S.K.S. said...

LOVE her. It's such a statement to turn down the likes of Marc Jacobs, Donna Karan and the rest of the brigade for the lesser-known talents out there.

How cool is it that our President and First Lady are graduates of Columbia, Princeton and Harvard? m'A :)

SB said...

Well I meant it was more a statement to turn down the likes of Oscar de la Renta...I'd consider designers of his ilk more of the "old guard" staples for first ladies than DK and MJ. I'd love to see Michelle in MJ though...carrying one of his new tribal bags...

S.K.S. said...

Haha yeah, I know what you mean. I just meant that it must have been so tempting to go with a name like MJ or DK, or Chanel or Versace for that matter (did you see all the inaugural ball designs by them?). But she still stuck to something she believes in.

I laughed when I realized the First Daughters were dressed in J. Crew. It made me think of you immediately.